Isaiah 61:3 (ESV):

"To grant to those who mourn in Zion—
to give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes,
the oil of gladness instead of mourning,
the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit;
that they may be called oaks of righteousness,
the planting of the Lord, that he may be glorified."

Every child that’s born is beloved by God!

Emotional Healing Sessions Freedom From

Shame & Worthlessness

Heal inner wounds, allowing you to release pain and disappointment to embrace a more fulfilling life. Maria has personally received through revelation and been inspired by the Holy Spirit to create inner healing paintings. Which are purely for therapeutic purposes and have helped set her free from a multitude of past experiences of lack of love and pain hidden deep inside. A picture can convey a message better than a thousand words so please feel free to embrace them to receive healing in your own life. She wants you to always remember the secret message God told her that the name of every child born on earth is BELOVED! You are a loved child, and you should treat other people here on earth as you would like to be treated... with love.

Our mission

The vision is to free people from the wounds of lovelessness, to receive their identity as God's beloved children, and to grow into Christlikeness.

Our vision

Our vision is to free, equip, and raise up an army of love, whose weapons are God love.

Unlock Inner Strength

Heal emotional wounds & conflicted personality

Uncover a path to spiritual well-being, emotional and personal growth. That transforms inner heart motives and attitudes regardless of outer appearances that are often misleading

black blue and yellow textile

The Revelation of God’s

Inner healing Power of Love

You are dearly beloved by God

A loving and present care from an adult builds a healthy self-esteem in a helpless baby. Children are completely dependent on the special attention and care of adults to satisfy their basic needs. When these essentials factors are not properly meet the roots of rejection and fear in personality are born in early childhood.

This lack of tender loving care makes you feel helpless and inadequate and that there is something wrong which leads to more fear. You start to build your own protective wall to survive, called: I don't need anyone.

Most things that hurt you happen as a result of a lack of love. However God's essence is Love and he has created you and everyone to receive and overflow in his love.

You are Worthy and Priceless

Just like the princess in the painting our own self image is often full of worthlessness and shame. However the truth is that God has made you to be unique and worthy and of priceless value. You are irreplaceable so your life is significant and as important as any esteemed royal.

Even though the guilt of being worthless constantly accuses you of not being good enough, of not having done enough, or of not being smart enough, skilled an endless cycle of shame. Don’t let low self-esteem to make you drop your crown or underestimate yourself and allow others to mistreat you.

You are precious worthy and priceless.

Adopted Heir Vs Orphan Spirit

Like the plant in the painting it seems that the current environment you are rooted in cannot produce the growth you desire. You may have the support of your family, and friends but you still feel isolated and unable to trust or receive love from them. You are stuck in a rut and need inspiration and the right atmosphere to manoeuvre and flourish.

An Orphan spirit causes an increasing feeling that no one is worthy of your trust and no place is good enough for you to be adequately nurtured. It can give rise to two kinds of attitudes either you get angry and stop to care about anyone or anything and deny any form of love. Or you choose to blame and find faults in others and develop a narcissistic personality.

You don't have to live without love. God loves you perfectly and unconditionally forever. Choose to be adopted into a new family of the kingdom of God today. To discover your new and true identity in Christ and learn to forgive based on the love of God

Find Lasting Peace

Whether you are dealing with trauma or stress, a broken heart or simply seeking greater self-awareness our Inner Healing Workshop offers deliverance and guidance on your journey towards restoration. It gives the tools to help you embrace the storms and turn your life around.

Once inner healing takes place the outward fruit will be visible. Resulting in the lasting peace of a victorious and abundant life. Instead of frustration, disillusionment and condemnation.

Join our community of like-minded individuals who are on a similar quest for inner peace and healing. Explore upcoming workshop dates, testimonials and resources to start your transformation to a happier, healthier and more balanced life.